Tamarack Center

About Tamarack

Tamarack Center is located in Spokane, WA.. Tamarack has 16 beds that are both publicly funded through the CLIP system as well as through private insurance companies.


The most common question we get at Tamarack is the question “Does your program work? We answer that question with an enthusiastic “Yes.” - Tamarack Center

Get Started By Locating Your Local BH-ASO/MCO

Frequently Asked Question

All children served in a CLIP Program are eligible for Medicaid funding while in residence. If the child has private insurance that covers psychiatric inpatient care, those benefits are also applied to the cost of stay. Read more about Medicaid.

The voluntary application process is a two-tiered process that begins with contacting your local BH-ASO/MCO representative. If a local decision is made to proceed with a referral to CLIP, the BH-ASO/MCO gathers all the application materialsand contacts the CLIP Administration. The CLIP Administration is the final authority for determining a child’s eligibility for admission.

Each child’s length of stay varies according to his/her individualneeds and progress toward treatment goals. The average length of stay 9 months. Children are returned to their home/community as soon as possible. The community partners including family, DSHS case worker, therapists, schools, etc., are expected to collaborate with the CLIP Program to assure appropriate discharge resources are in place prior discharge.